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a juicy apple

  • 1 juicy

    كَثِير العُصَارة \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple.

    Arabic-English glossary > juicy

  • 2 juicy

    رَيَّان \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. luscious: very sweet and pleasant to eat: luscious grapes. mellow: made soft, sweet or gentle by age (colours, wine, people, etc.): a mellow voice. succulent: fresh, rich and full of liquid: a succulent orange. \ See Also كثير العُصارَة، حلو (حُلو)، لذيذ (لذيذ)، يانع (يَانِع)، غض (غَضّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > juicy

  • 3 ريان

    رَيَّان \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. luscious: very sweet and pleasant to eat: luscious grapes. mellow: made soft, sweet or gentle by age (colours, wine, people, etc.): a mellow voice. succulent: fresh, rich and full of liquid: a succulent orange. \ See Also كثير العُصارَة، حلو (حُلو)، لذيذ( لذيذيانع (يَانِع)، غض (غَضّ)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > ريان

  • 4 كثير

    كَثِير \ ample: enough or more than is necessary: There is an ample supply of food. We have ample time to catch the train. considerable: great (of amount, cost, difficulty, distance, etc.). constant: happening very often: He paid constant visit to the doctor. good: fairly large: It cost a good deal of money. many: a large number (of): He has (very) many friends. Many (of them) are at school with him. Many hands make light work (A job is done faster if we help each other). many a: used with a singular noun, equal in sense to a plural noun: I’ve been there many a time (many times). plentiful: (esp. of fruit or vegetables) obtainable in large numbers: Apples are plentiful this year. We had a plentiful supply of fruit. \ بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line. \ كَثِير الأحلام \ dreamy: having an appearance of dreaming; inattentive to what is around one. \ كَثِير الأعشاب الضَّارَّة \ weedy: full of weeds or weed. \ كَثِير إلى هذا الحَدّ \ so many, so much: such a lot of: I never knew that you had so many brothers. \ كَثِير الإنتاج \ productive: (of land, work, plans, etc.) producing (many) goods or results. \ كَثِير التِّلال \ hilly: (of a country or roads) full of hills. \ كَثِير التَّنقُّل \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ كَثِير الجِبال \ mountainous: (of land) full of mountains. \ كَثِير جدًّا \ a good many, a great many: very many: a good many people. immensely: very much: I enjoyed myself immensely. in abundance: in large quantities. so many, so much: such a lot of: I never knew that you had so many brothers. \ كَثِير الحِجارة \ stony: having many stones: stony soil. \ كَثِير الحَرَاشِف \ scaly: covered with scales: A scaly creature; a scaly surface. \ كَثِير الدُّخَان \ smoky: producing much smoke; full of smoke; of a greyish brown colour. \ كَثِير الرّياح \ windy: having a lot of wind: Windy weather; a windy hillside. \ كَثِير الرِّيح \ breezy: (of weather) rather windy; fresh. \ كَثِير السُّؤَال \ inquisitive: too eager to know about other people’s affairs. \ كَثِير الشَّعْر \ hairy: covered with hair: hairy legs. \ كَثِير الضَّباب \ foggy: not clear because of fog: a foggy day. \ كَثِير الضَّجيج \ noisy: making a lot of noise: noisy children. \ كَثِير العَدَد \ numerous: great in number; very many: numerous mistakes. \ كَثِير العُشْب \ grassy: covered with grass. \ كَثِير العُصَارة \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. \ كَثِير العَظْم \ bony: (of fish or meat) full of bones. \ كَثِير العَمَل \ busy: working; having much to do: My wife is busy cooking. I’ve had a busy day at the office. \ See Also مشغول (مَشْغُول)‏ \ كَثِير مِن \ a lot of, lots of: a great deal of (but much or many is more common in questions or negative sentences): He has a lot of money but he hasn’t much sense. a good deal, a great deal: a lot: he suffers a good deal of pain. He has a great deal of money. dozen: a lot: I have dozens of relations. masses: a lot: I’ve got masses of work to finish. much: (it should be used: (a) only with nu nouns; use many for nc. nouns; (b) in negative sentences or questions; (c) in statements only when it describes the subject or when it follows how, too, so or as; in other statements use a lot, plenty of, a good deal of) a large amount of: We haven’t much food. Much money was spent on repairs. You eat too much sugar. \ كَثِير النُّتُوءات \ lumpy: full of lumps; covered with lumps; not smooth. \ كَثِير النِّسْيَان \ forgetful: often failing to remember things. \ كَثيرًا \ lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (only in negative sentences or questions; always after the verb) often: Does he come here much?, (with p.p) greatly a much-loved friend, (with verbs (a) it must not come between the verb and its object, (b) it may come at the end of a negative sentence or question, (c) it may only come at the end of a statement if it follows very) greatly: I don’t much like it or (I don’t like it). often: many times: It often rains in winter. \ كَثيرًا جدًّا \ highly: greatly; very; very much: I was highly delighted at his success. This substance is highly poisonous. She is a highly experienced taecher. I value your advice highly. \ كَثيرةُ الأرجُل (من المَفْصِليّات)‏ \ millepedes or millipedes, Myriapoda. \ _(field) Zool.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كثير

  • 5 luscious

    رَيَّان \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. luscious: very sweet and pleasant to eat: luscious grapes. mellow: made soft, sweet or gentle by age (colours, wine, people, etc.): a mellow voice. succulent: fresh, rich and full of liquid: a succulent orange. \ See Also كثير العُصارَة، حلو (حُلو)، لذيذ (لذيذ)، يانع (يَانِع)، غض (غَضّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > luscious

  • 6 mellow

    رَيَّان \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. luscious: very sweet and pleasant to eat: luscious grapes. mellow: made soft, sweet or gentle by age (colours, wine, people, etc.): a mellow voice. succulent: fresh, rich and full of liquid: a succulent orange. \ See Also كثير العُصارَة، حلو (حُلو)، لذيذ (لذيذ)، يانع (يَانِع)، غض (غَضّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > mellow

  • 7 succulent

    رَيَّان \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. luscious: very sweet and pleasant to eat: luscious grapes. mellow: made soft, sweet or gentle by age (colours, wine, people, etc.): a mellow voice. succulent: fresh, rich and full of liquid: a succulent orange. \ See Also كثير العُصارَة، حلو (حُلو)، لذيذ (لذيذ)، يانع (يَانِع)، غض (غَضّ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > succulent

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